Ab Fab: NBC Showcases Olympic Swimmers' Sweet Spots

| 11 Nov 2014 | 02:05

    The Olympic Games are the time to sit back, relax and admire other people's physiques. NBC seems to have finally picked up on the penchant for more exposed flesh on network television and has even devised a [guessing game on its website]. It sorta resembles some sort of [boy-next-door gay porn site](http://seancody.com/), with headless, objectified men's abs shown before exposing their identities. It's at least worth a little safe for office fun (can you guess who's tummy and nips are pictured above? hint: think [gold](http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601079&sid=atG47dQxEAS4&refer=home))... (Something tells me they wouldn't dare do the same thing for some female track-and-field stars.)