Beaten Bronx Boy Becomes YouTube Star

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:27

    The New York Post reports that the search is on for a gang of teens who brutally [beat a Bronx high-school student] in an attack that was videotaped and posted on YouTube. It seems the March 13th assault was planned and executed because the victim, a DeWitt Clinton HS student, was believed to be a DDP [Dominicans Don't Play] gang member, according to CBS 2 News.

    The [footage]—which YouTube eventually pulled (sorry all you sadists out there)—shows one teen running over to another in a park, wielding what appears to be a tire iron and proceeding to beat him with it. When the victim falls to the ground, more teens run to the scene, some join in the assault while others attempt to break it up. Many are shocked that the video sharing site didn’t screen and/or reject the footage before it became accessible.

    A YouTube spokesperson spoke with CBS 2: "Our community polices the site. YouTube users flag content that is inappropriate. YouTube promptly removes it if is in violation of our terms of use. ... Real violence is not allowed."

    The incident echoes one that occurred this past winter when a Long Island private school girl, 13, was [beaten by three public school girls], two 14 and one 13. Footage of the attack also appeared on YouTube and, in addition, MySpace.