@BYTES1GHz Tech Brief: Nerds Are Super Lazy, Still Need To Get Places

| 17 Feb 2015 | 04:11

It's hard to believe there was once a worldbeforeThe Segway. Back when the only time humans could both stand around andmove simultaneously was on an escalator. Now-in no way overestimating the market for such devices-the Robomancers over at Honda have invented something called the UNI-CUB Personal Mobility Device. With promotional language like "For Individuals. For Society. Honda Introduces a new kind of mobility." [SPOILER ALERT: It's a stool with wheels.] #FutureOfStuff: Ever seen Wall-E? The future will be indolent. .[@BYTES1GHz](https://email.manhattanmedia.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6f7bfa1519d94f61bcfbbac1a399f316&URL=https%3a%2f%2femail.manhattanmedia.com%2fowa%2fredir.aspx%3fC%3d6f7bfa1519d94f61bcfbbac1a399f316%26URL%3dhttp%253a%252f%252ftwitter.com%252fBYTES1GHz)is a single serving of undigested tech for the unfocused and/or unconcerned. Don't be disappoint. Like. Enjoy.