College Student Gets Hit By Mattress Falling From Sky in Lower Manhattan

| 17 Feb 2015 | 04:14

A student from Kings College was on his way to class yesterday afternoon when a futon mattress struck him d0wn in the Financial District. [Jesse Scott Owen]( was walking from his house to the Broad Street J/Z station before the blow from the mattress left him unconscious on the street. Several witnesses saw the mattress land on Owen, who just arrived in New York City from his hometown in Florida three weeks ago."I was walking on the left side of the street-which I never do-and as I'm walking I get hit on the head with something. I was knocked out, I don't know for how long," Owen told Gothamist. Owen awoke to several people carrying him onto the mattress. Owen recalled that one man took his wallet and phone, called Owen's mother, and gave his possessions to the NYPD, Gothamist reports. Two of Owen's classmates also witnessed the incident and went with Owen to New York Downtown hospital, where he was given X-Rays, CAT Scans, and medication. Although Owen admits to still having some pain after the incident, he is still able to laugh about it, Gothamist reports. "I thought that was kind of hysterical," Owen said. The NYPD suspect that the mattress blew off of a rooftop spa after a day of heavy wind. Witnesses estimate that the mattress fell from at least 30 stories above the street. Owen is still unsure if he will sue. "Everyone's asking me if I'm going to sue, but I have honestly no clue," he tells Gothamist. "I really don't want to pay these medical bills along with my college tuition." By Tatiana Baez