| 02 Mar 2015 | 04:28

    the west 75th street block association is hoping to work with the department of transportation to launch a curb extension prototype program. the association announced at the may 5 community board 7 meeting that it is developing a study to investigate potentially dangerous intersections along west 75th street. after the study, two to three intersections will be chosen as test sites for temporary curb extensions.

    "we took the lead because we are a very organized block association," said deanna rieber, the group's president.

    curb extensions are temporary and permanent structures placed between the sidewalk and the street that help slow traffic and protect pedestrians. the association is considering the use of paint lines, planters and bollards, though a formal proposal has yet to be submitted to the department.

    a larger scale program covering all of board 7 may also be in store if the 75th street extensions prove to be a success. permanent curb extensions remain the long-term goal of a board 7 subcommittee that is studying the issue, although the department has called such a project too expensive.