Mailbox: 12.10.08-12.16.08

| 11 Nov 2014 | 02:14

    Lawless and Godless

    Armond White’s analysis of Gus Van Sant’s career, “Milk That Dead Horse, Cowboy” (Nov. 26-Dec. 2), continues to rile folks.With one reader commenting: “You really picked apart some details here to fill space—like the scene where [Harvey] Milk talks about Dan White possibly having homosexual tendencies. This would be a common thing to say, and many do talk about how those most bothered by homosexuality tend to be closeted gays themselves. I’m not saying that was the case, but I’m saying, to write a whole complaint section around this is quite nitpicky.”

    But it was White’s review of Danny Boyle’s critical darling Slumdog Millionaire (“Mis-Education of a Millionaire,” Nov. 12-18) that pushed the most buttons.

    A reader calling himself Jeff said, “I have seen this movie and I thought it was a beautiful, but I do respect your opinion on the movie.The only thing I have a problem with is these lame, cheap shots and putting in your political bias into your review. I think this was a terrible review, and you should be fired, you’re just a sad excuse for a movie critic. I am telling everyone to boycott this website.

    It seems like you didn’t even watch it, you just saw the director’s name, read a summary and wrote a personally biased article that was just sickening to read.You are pathetic.”

    But then another trusty reader came to White’s rescue, ShootMeNow, replying with: “I saw this movie and thought it was such a reprehensible piece of crap that I needed to thank Armond for capturing its atrocities so well.The comparison to City Of God is right on—and brave (considering how beloved that shameless fraud is). Swimming against the current on movies like this can’t be good for job security (even in oh-so-enlightened New York), so thank you, Armond, for your courage and clarity.” ------

    Coke Isn’t Quite It

    Josh Bernstein’s love of Diet Coke in his Gut Instinct column from last week, “DC Me ASAP,” inspired someone to proclaim: “I was a longtime Diet Coke man myself, till I discovered Diet Mountain Dew. Try it, you’ll never drink Diet Coke again!” —Natalie Word ------

    Cans Can’t Buy Love

    The way a low-maintenance food figured into Chris Varmus’ high-maintenance relationship was the topic of his Flavor of the Week story, “Hot, Gooey Casserole Love” (Nov. 26-Dec. 2), and some of other social foodies decided to share their own experiences. According to “Grapes”: “At the last cake competition I attended, a homemade (by close friend Jed) multi-layered ice cream cake took second place. Go figure.

    And sometimes, when you’re at the pieoff, all you want is a pickle. Maybe there could be a separate prize for that: Best Refreshingly Non-Casserole Dish. Was Chef’s dish actually disqualified? Or just not voted for? He was a bit sour apples about the judging process...

    Another reader hit below the belt: “While I would like to consider your opinions on fine dining, I refer back to the fact that you went across the street to get Bud tallboys to drink. And don´t get me wrong, I also appreciate a cold beer, but think about how much MORE you´d have appreciated the braised beef dish with a nice red.Yes, tell me the ways of class please...”

    And licgrrrl summed it up with: “Hm. I’m sure that the Rueful-Musing-Over- Casserole-Near-An-Ex article can be written well and with self-awareness, somehow. This, however, is not that article. Not quite cricket, as our man Wodehouse would say.” ------

    []( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters may be edited for size and form.