@BYTES1GHz Tech: Nerds Find Cure For Down's Syndrome; Abort Fetus

| 16 Feb 2015 | 09:50

According to movies and television it is a scientific fact that Nerds have long been plagued with debilitating social diseases such as acne, braces, limp wrist, four-eyes, and polio. But now the Wizards over at the [Department of Genome Sciences at the University](http://www.gs.washington.edu/) of Washington have crafted a [method of casting the Sequence Genome spell](http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/4/137/137ra76) on a fetus using only plasma extracted from the blood of a mother. With this conjuration the Wizard will roll for perception and may reveal any number of genetic cankers blighting the womb. In the end, of course, it's up to the parents to decide the fate of their spawn. In this video a handsome sounding scientists explains the benefits of the new magick: [.@BYTES1GHz](https://twitter.com/BYTES1GHz) is a single serving of undigested tech for the unfocused and/or unconcerned. Don't be disappoint. Like. Enjoy.