News For Underage Alchies

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:18

    All you under-21 kiddies who are stoked to booze it up on New Year’s, beware. [The city is cracking down on fake IDs]. The Post explains that, in a report to be released today, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn will propose several reforms to make bars and nightclubs safer. Some speculate that one of the tactics could be a one-year driver’s license suspension for underage drinkers caught with the shotty IDs, and targeting the mom and pop shops who practice the fine art of lamination. The report is the product of a “nightlife summit” Quinn hosted back in September, which was intended to generate ideas on how to make clubbing safer after several deaths had recently occurred at local nightspots. So if you own a fake ID and are feeling a tad resentful, just remember—better alive and sober than dead and drunk.