The American Museum of Natural History is reportedly planning to open an ice-skating rink this November on the Arthur Ross Terrace, outside the Rose Center for Earth and Space, near near West 81st Street and Columbus Avenue. The rink may be open until February or March 2009. Last week, a museum representative spoke about the rink proposal to Community Board 7's Parks and Preservation Committee. The full board is slated to hear from the museum in November, according to Chairperson Helen Rosenthal. Board 7 does not play a formal role in the rink's approval, so the museum's presentations are more of an informational courtesy. "I don't see any hesitation about it," Rosenthal said of the board's position. "[The museum] did a very good job reaching out to the block association." Concerns about loud music and intrusive lighting have been addressed, she added. A spokesperson for the museum had no comment, as plans for the rink have not yet been officially announced.