TGIW! New Comics Hit The Docks

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:41

    Another Wednesday is here, which means this week’s new comics hit shelves this morning. As we speak, excited nerds clog the aisles of comic book shops the city over to collect their favorite titles, arguing the virtues of the new [Invincible] cover the whole time. (I’m a huge fan, but I don’t like the new cover. It’s not scary enough, plus her boobs looks unnatural.) Other new titles this week include The Walking Dead (same writer as Invincible, Robert Kirkman) and Batman and Robin, which is written by Frank Miller of [Sin City]( and 300 infamy. Wherever you work and live in Gotham, you’re not far from a comic shop. Here are some of the best.

    West Village: [Sleep of Reason Comics] Union Square: [Forbidden Planet]( Midtown: [Midtown Comics]( Brooklyn: [St. Mark’s Comics]( Staten Island: [Jim Hanley’s Universe](