To the Editor: Like most of the world, columnist Susan Braudy is guilty of using that odious â??little old lady term (â??The Prince of 47th Street, Nov. 13) while quoting the jeweler, who â??joked that little old ladies are the toughest sellers (of their jewelry). This label, like so many references and labels pertaining to the elder age group, is not funny: it"s demeaning. The term also appeared in the column"s title. Never has socially acceptable ageism been so egregious as it was in John McCain"s candidacy, with even the victim making jokes about his age. I firmly believe that no group is as oppressed as one that doesn"t recognize its oppression. And if Sarah Palin hadn"t â??looked youthful, she might not have been chosen as V.P. candidate's and if she had, her campaign appearances would not have attracted huge crowds or as much media attention. Will a new administration address this socially acceptable prejudice that crosses all boundaries of race and backgrounds but is especially damaging to women? Not while the media, which sets customs and views, uses negative labels like â??little old lady. Bette Dewing East Side Letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.