| 11 Nov 2014 | 02:13

    To the Editor: â??A Democratic Party (Nov. 13) confirms that the voters have spoken. Democrats have won all the marbles in New York State.ˆ Democratic Governor David Paterson, State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver are now joined by the new Senate Democratic Majority Leader Malcolm Smith. Democrats now control all statewide offices, along with both the State Senate and State Assembly.ˆ The party can no longer useˆ former GOP State Senate majority leaders Joseph Bruno,ˆ Dean Skelos and those nasty, mean, old Republicans as a political piñata and the cause forˆ all our problems. Actions speak louder than words. Voters await fulfillment of all the promises made by the team of Paterson, DiNapoli, Cuomo, Silver and Smith. On the federal level,ˆ they should also be able to count on additional financial assistance from fellow Democrats President Elect Barackˆ Obama, Vice President Elect Joseph Biden, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Charles Schumer, House Speaker Nancyˆ Pelosi and the overwhelming New York State Democratic Congressional delegation.ˆ Creation of jobs,ˆ economic growth, balanced budgets,ˆ no new taxes, dealing with a $47 billion dollar budget deficit over four years, reduction in state debt, increased school aid, improved health care access,ˆ cleaner environment, better transportationˆ and increased economic assistance to local villages, towns and cities wereˆ easy verbal commitments to make. Theˆ report card will come due with the 2010 Stateˆ elections. Remember the promises made in 2008 by all of our Democratic Party elected officialsˆ and see how manyˆ are kept between now andˆ 2010. Larry Penner Great Neck, N.Y. Letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.