in an effort to beef up government's answer to the growing bedbug problem in new york, the city council passed a bill to create a board dedicated to this insect issue. a potential problem in any home, clean or filthy, bedbug infestations are a main source of 311 complaints. to address the situation, the city has offered a fact sheet in english and spanish. the new bed bug advisory board will track outbreaks, develop information on the disposal of infested items, detail preventative measures and launch a public education campaign. "bedbugs are a personal and financial nightmare," said council member gale brewer, the bill's sponsor. "what we can offer is a way to fight back." to increase coordination between the city agencies that deal with such infestations, the advisory board will include representatives from the departments of consumer affairs, health and mental hygiene, and sanitation. a pest management professional, entomologist and community health professional will provide expertise to the board.