Cool Canines
it's swelteringly hot, you don't feel like doing anything, but your dog is leaping up and down ready to play. fear not! now you too can be lazy while still giving your dog all the exercise and care he needs.
why interrupt your sunbathing in central park when you can simply use chuck it!, a toy that allows dog owners to effortlessly catapult a tennis ball with a scoop on the end of the toy. find it for $16.99 at petqua (2604 broadway, 212-865-6060,
if cavorting near the open water, consider strapping your canine into a pet life vest, ranging from $19.99 to $39.99 at pet stop (564 columbus ave., 212-580-2400). you can rest assured that your animal will float above water no matter where the ball ends up.
your dog will likely be tired after racing across the park and going for a swim, so let him rest in the cool bed iii waterbed, which ranges from $44.99 to $89.99 at little creatures (770 amsterdam ave., 212-932-8610). pet stop also offers a canine cooler bed with memory foam comfort and cooling gels that is surely nicer than yours ($69.99 to $119.99).
after your dog has settled on his throne, give him a refreshing squirt bone from little creatures ($5.99) or some yohund blueberry and vanilla bean organic frozen yogurt from petqua ($9.59). and don't forget to leave on the carbon filtered drinkwell big dog pet fountain while you're out of the apartment this summer (pet stop, $79.99). a hot dog you will surely avoid.