Crime Watch

| 13 Jan 2016 | 12:20


Fragrant ViolationA shoplifting couple had noses for high-end fragrances. At 7:25 p.m. on Friday, a man and a woman removed $1,160 worth of perfumes from a shelf in the Sephora store at 555 Broadway. The man concealed certain items in his pockets, while the woman placed other items in her purse, police said. The items stolen were four bottles of Tom Ford Neroli Portofino fragrance valued at $880 and two bottles of Tom Ford Costa Azzurra fragrance priced at $280.

Cold and Flu Seizin’One thief was either preparing for the cold and flu season or getting ready for a monster sizzurp party. At 8:40 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 29, a 28-year-old man stole items valued at more than $1,000 off shelves in the Duane Reade store on Broad Street. The merchandise stolen included seven Mucinex severe cold medicine priced at $188, six Mucinex cold and flu remedies tagged at $95, seven Vicks cherry-flavored NyQuil’s priced at $67, four Vicks NyQuil’s tagged at $63, four packages of Claritin tabs valued at $163 and four other types of Claritin tabs priced at $131, three Theraflu’s worth $47, four Vicks NyQuil’s costing $39, five Alka-Seltzers priced at $47, and seven Tylenol syrups valued at $69.

Lawless WirelessRemember when phones were household appliances, not objects of desire? At 7:58 p.m. on Friday, an unknown perpetrator entered the Verizon wireless store at 581 Broadway, walked toward a phone display, and took two models from the display before walking out of the store. Police searched the area but could not locate the thief or the poached phones. The stolen cells were a gold Apple iPhone 6+ valued at $650 and a black LG G4 priced at $552, making a total of $1,202.

Burgers and BurglarsSometime late on Sunday, Jan. 3, an unknown perpetrator stole $1,564 from a locker in the Burgers and Barrel restaurant at 25 West Houston St. The locker showed no signs of forced entry, and a search of the premises revealed nothing.

Bad LotA parking lot employee is being sought for a burglary at his place of business. Sometime between the early morning of Wednesday, Jan. 6 and the evening of January 9, an employee of the Quik Park lot at 86 Warren St. was reported as having taken $1,999 in cash from the parking lot booth’s register.