To the Editor: Bette Dewing, a friend of mine, is very concerned about pedestrian safety in regards to bicyclists (?A Café Closing on 79th,? Oct. 16). On Aug. 12, 2008, I was walking on a pathway along side of Pelham Parkway North in The Bronx. This pathway is used by both pedestrians and bicyclists. Even though I was walking on the side, I was hit from behind, without warning, by a bicyclist. He and his two friends were speeding along the pathway. As a result, I spent six days in the hospital. I had to have surgery with permanent hardware installed in the bone to repair a broken femur (thigh bone). I also received two pints of blood. I face a long and painful recovery. Because police presence was not specifically requested when the ambulance was called by a Good Samaritan, there was no one to take the bicyclist?s information. As I lay on the ground, I watched them speed away three abreast, unidentified. Pedestrians and bicyclists often share the same pathway, especially in the parks. I know it is illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. But on these pathways the rules are not as clear. However, when a pedestrian and a bicyclist collide, the pedestrian is the loser. Linda Sacewicz Letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.