Funny Face
Funny Face Joan Rivers and her plans to cut up at the Cutting Room
Funny LADIES GOTTA work that shtick. Kathy Griffin attempts to stay on her self-imposed D-List. Sarah Silverman continues to offend with her gross-out girl humor delivered with a kewpie-doll grin. But Joan Rivers, the woman who began it all with her raunchy jokes, in-your-face celebrity questions and, of course, radical transformations through plastic surgery hasnt given up. Shes the funniest thing on IFCs Z Rock, she just sold a TV pilot and is working on two books: One a murder mystery set in Hollywood and the other a self-help advice book detailing the pragmatic facts of plastic surgery. But she still doesnt pull any punches. She was ousted from a British television show after calling Russell Crowe a fucking shit; but that didnt keep the Brits from inviting her back for a benefit to celebrate Prince Charles 60th birthday.To prepare for the gig, she begins a run of her standup show in NYC on Election Day and will be slinging plenty of raunchy ideas for the occasion. Hey, at her age, she can do whatever the hell she wants.
Youre opening your show the night of the presidential election. How is that going to work? Are you incorporating it somehow? I couldnt care less. I think they are both garbage. Do you really think either of them is going to save the country? Do you really think it? If Bloomberg were running, Id be hysterical.
Are you registered to vote in New York? I didnt know you were such a Bloomberg supporter.
Yes. I vote in New York. I perform in New York. Je suis New Yorker.I support him [Bloomberg] running for a third term.Theres been very little scandal; hes so incorruptible.
Ive tried. I would bribe him, Id go to him and ask for a bribe but he wouldnt let me.
Did you see Saturday Night Live when Sarah Palin showed up? What do you think of how shes portrayed by Tina Fey? I thought it was very funny. Loved the start of it, and they really look alike. But Alec Baldwin, whos such a great liberal, totally sold out.This is the man who was leading the country against Bush? And he just stood there with Palin. It was ridiculous.
So you didnt think it was some sort of deeper message? I could have well have missed it. But I didnt see it.Tina Fey is brilliantly funny, terrific and honest. But they did Palin a favor.
She now seems like a good sport, a charming woman.
I was wondering why you are doing this show at The Cutting Room instead of some place like Feinsteins or even Carolines.
Feinsteins is for very old rich people.Who needs that? Its insane.They may love me very much, but do I love you $400 worth? For a piece of bad chicken? The Cutting Room is funky, off the beaten track. I adore it. I love the atmosphere, and that I can say what I want to say.
Is it a conscious decision to develop a younger, gayer audience that can afford a show there? Lets say that; it sounds good.
Youre on Celebrity Apprentice, what is that all about? Youre competing against your daughter and some other dubious celebrities, right? Were sworn to secrecy.
Have you heard about Sarah Silvermans Big Schlep to get Jewish kids to get their grandparents in Florida to vote for Obama? Do you think it will work? I think thats so brilliant. It doesnt matter if it works; it was hilarious and funny and got a lot of attention. I love watching her.
What do you think about the way plastic surgery has changed? This idea that theres a new face and its not tight but rather more voluptuous? I just think it changes. Its all about the big fat lips; its the latest look. I prefer the 1930s movies, and you look at the glamour girls, they have the perfect look: all feather boas and jewels. I like Rita Hayworth.The new face is the same face; its just got bigger lips.
You are still working so hard. Why havent you slowed down? Why? What would I do? Since the time I could put two words together, I wanted to be in this business. Every time a limo shows up and Im not paying for it, Im thrilled.
Joan Rivers
Nov. 4-7. Nov. 19, Dec. 10 & 17, The Cutting Room, 19 W. 24th St. (betw. Fifth & Sixth Aves.), 212-352-3101; Tues. 8; Wed. 8 & 10:30; Thurs.
9:30; Fri. 10:30, $30.