| 13 Aug 2014 | 12:55

    To the Editor: Your Oct. 16 piece ?Couch Talk? was particularly well timed. Earlier this month, the New York Times covered a scientific study that proved Woody Allen was right about the efficacy of talk therapy. Those of us who have seen how psychoanalysis has reduced anxiety in our patients and has helped them lead more satisfying and productive lives, were thrilled to see fact-based support for talk therapy appear in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Your listing of institutions offering psychoanalysis was also well timed, in light of the widespread anxiety over the world economy and the need for New Yorkers to have options for proven treatment. I would like to bring to your and your readers? attention the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, which has been training analysts and providing low-cost psychoanalytic treatment for 35 years. The center brings together the best of traditional Freudian analysis with treatment modalities more suited to the modern world. While our building at 16 W. 10th St. is not physically located on the Upper East Side, many of our analysts and patients come from your area. Theodore Laquercia President, Society of Modern Psychoanalysts 16 W. 10th St. Letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.