| 02 Mar 2015 | 04:28

    state sen. tom duane says he is not the least bit discouraged by states like vermont, maine and new hampshire passing same-sex marriage bills at such a quick pace. "i'm not disheartened," duane said. "far from it. i'm energized." this week the assembly is expected to pass a same-sex marriage bill, authored by daniel o'donnell, for the second time since 2007. duane has been an ardent lobbyist for the same-sex marriage bill he is sponsoring in his chamber. in his quest to get the 32 votes needed to pass any legislation, duane said other states movement on same-sex marriage is a boon to his advocacy. "it helps keep the momentum going, keeps it in front of people and it helps my efforts in the senate," duane said. senate majority leader malcolm smith of queens has said repeatedly that he will bring the bill to the floor when he has 32 votes. many democrats have come out against the bill, which will require republican support to pass. there has yet to be a republican senator to publicly support the bill, although one rochester-area republican senator is reportedly in favor of the legislation. however, duane is confident that there will be more than one republican voting for the bill and said that the final tally will be greater than the minimum 32 votes needed to pass same-sex marriage in the senate.