| 02 Mar 2015 | 04:28

    just one school in district 3, which covers the upper west side, has a waitlist for zoned students: p.s. 166, on west 89th street, with 31 students currently waiting for spots. but those students will all likely be offered seats once gifted placements are finalized in mid-june, according to andrew jacob, a spokesperson for the department of education. across town, a total of 152 upper east side students are on waitlists at their zoned schools. if students are still on the waitlist after gifted placements are finalized, they will be offered a seat at a nearby school, jacob said. those families may even end up in their zoned school once the usual number of families opt for private school or move out of the area during the course of the summer. the upper east side schools with waitlists are p.s. 6 (25 students), p.s. 59 (40 students), p.s. 183 (30 students) and p.s. 290 (57 students).