Where Can A Christian Democrat Turn?

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:22

    Ben Smith, lately of The Politico, [has an excellent piece up] on the fallout from the John Edwards blog scandal. With Edwards defense of the two bloggers and his failure to fire them from his campaign following [bizarre comments](http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MjYzN2FiZjFmOGIwZDcyZDQ1NzM1MDU5OGM2MzljZTE=) about the Immaculate Conception, prominent Christian Democrats now feel slighted and worry that the room for them within the big tent of the Democratic Party is getting smaller and smaller. Quote:

    "We're completely invisible to this debate," said Eduardo Penalver, a CornellUniversity law professor who writes for the liberal Catholic journal Commonweal. He said he was dissatisfied with the Edwards campaign's response. "As a constituency, the Christian left isn't taken all that seriously”