Yes Man
Yes Man
Directed by Peyton Reed
Running Time: 104 min.
Most of the year-end movies look terrible after the Frank Borzage DVDs.The serious films repulse.The entertainment films bore. Even Jim Carrey misfires with Yes Man by playing Carl Allen, a depressed cynic who listens to a motivational speaker (Terence Stamp) then decides to embrace every life opportunity. Carls new ethic is exploited by his friends, and it alienates the kooky rock singer (Zooey Deschanel) he falls in love with.This suggests a half-baked version of Borzages 1937 Stranded where George Brents tough construction boss gets reintegrated into social benevolence by Kay Francis. Somehow, Hollywoods contemporary cynics miss the point of Carls rebirth and offer this bizarre world version of Carreys ingenious Liar Liar.
Too bad Yes Man is directed by Peyton Reed, a tone-deaf, buzz-kill comedy specialist.Youve never seen Carrey flail like he does under Reeds incompetencealthough the Quasimodo face he makes with scotch tape and some of his rubber-legged paroxysms are inspired. Right now, Carreys career is more troubled than Mickey Rourkesan avoidable point in the gag about custom-made celebrity look-a-like cakes. Carrey looks at the Mickey Rourke cake and in Yes Mans best line worries, I hope it doesnt taste like Mickey Rourke.