Defending the AMNH Letter
To the Editor:
Comparing the Museum of Natural History to Exxon (Voices Op-Ed, Jan. 21), is quite odd and extreme point of view.
I grew up and lived in the Upper West Side for 40 years and for 22 years I lived on the Upper East Side. All these years I have been visiting the museum and I still delight in all it has taught me. I can honestly say the museum sealed my love for nature and its preservation. And as a great gift to New Yorkers the AMNH has Central Park as its front yard.
I don’t understand the logic or reasoning Dr Goodman uses in forming this opinion and comparison. I detect not a shred of objectivity in it
Dr. Goodman, am I to believe this AMNH activity is driving the coming social, racial and ecological breakdown of the UWS?
Frederick Michel
W. 103 Street